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Advise. Accompany. Empower.

The Berlin Coordination Office against FGM_C advises, accompanies, and empowers clients in all issues concerning female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM_C).
Our team consists of experts from various disciplines that advocate for the right to bodily physical integrity through prevention, counselling, and health care.
Our goal is to bundle and develop FGM_C services in an interdisciplinary way so as to strengthen professional competence and to raise public awareness on this very significant issue.
Thus, at the Coordination Office against FGM_C, we build new bridges in the Berlin counselling and health care landscape.

Ergänzende Information

What is the "Coordination Office against FGM_C "?

Three institutions work together in the Berlin Coordination Office against FGM_C, under the leadership of The Family Planning Center BALANCE:

New basic and advanced trainings starting in september 2022

The training courses take place online or in person. You can choose between German and English. 

For those seeking advise

We offer three contact points in Berlin. We guarantee a low-threshold initial contact and customize our assistance to our clients´ individual concerns.

In the spirit of holistic support, we offer psychological support and psychosocial group services in addition to medical counselling and treatment. We work in a culturally sensitive manner and can involve interpreters, if necessary. Upon request, we also provide information about the services offered by partner organizations and can also simply refer clients to services within our coordination center.

For communities

Our team embraces the fact that communities where FGM_C is practiced play a key role in ending the practice.

We work hand in hand with the communities: We engage in dialogue through peer-to-peer counselling to achieve long-term prevention and education. The goal of these long-term strategies is to implement sustainable change in people’s attitudes and values towards FGM_C.

For professionals, organizations and interested parties

In addition, we provide advice to professionals, organizations and interested parties.

We address their questions, educate them through further training and consultation, and encourage them in dealing with the topic.

What is FGM_C?

FGM_C stands for Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting.
FGM_C refers to a serious human rights violation in which parts of the female genitals are cut off or injured.
FGM_C is a violation of the right to physical and psychological integrity and the right to self-determination.
Circumcision is often performed during infancy. FGM_C thus violates children's rights according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and is considered child abuse.

How common is FGM_C?

Worldwide, 200 million girls and women are affected by FGM_C.
In Germany, 75.000 women are affected by FGM_C and 20.000 girls are at risk of being cut.
In Berlin, 4.400 women are affected by FGM_C and almost 800 girls are at risk of being cut.

Cooperation partner


The project is funded by the Senate Department for Health, Care and Equality.